MJ blathers

dark poet who loves to laugh


breaking down v creating

gutters rusting through

cooling fan runs without stopping

door paint peeling in the sun and rain

calories going to weight, not energy

knees buckling with pain

eyes dimming

entropy calling us to our true state

but we keep up that will to build

it is what makes the universe

despite the destruction

of the individual

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i watch depression grow

as reality takes some lives

and alters function in others

loved and ‘undeserving’

of such pain

and again, personal fear

and anger blind so many

to recognizing others

as fosters of our best

selves needed to combat

if never conquer

entropy and loss

we’ve allowed

the despairing wolf

within us all

to howl

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even more grateful

retesting to reassure

gathering to joy

seeing love well

in each of us

knowing how we’ve missed the hugs

the delicious smoked pork lunch

the teasing of the waiter-son

of a beloved friend

the talk and laughter

laughter and talk

hours spent remembering

catching up


family is my world