MJ blathers

dark poet who loves to laugh

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aurora shield

without the swirls, draping sheets

and dancing colors

this time I was less captivated

by the eerie magic of aurora

but more impaled by the raw power

of these stiff probes of hazy light

that arch from horizon to horizon

battle-strength powers enclosing me

as earth’s magnetic field defends

its helpless life forms

should a weakness or break occur

within that spherical shield

the sun’s tantrum would – will –

engulf us in fiery fury unimaginable

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pile to prize

funny what people choose to admire

physical beauty that requires

face lifts and tummy tucks

perfume and make-up

to try to sustain

or money which is which is a paper

promise easily burned or stolen

or conned or lost to greed or failure

to mend unseen holes in pockets

when, all around us

is a wealth of beauty maintained

by mother nature and geologic time

flora and fauna richly varied, colorful

beyond our far-flung imagination

waves gliding or pounding

into shores smoothed or carved

or gouged into wondrous cliffs

or dunes or caves resounding

with joy abundantly shared if

we would only be still and listen, look

touch, taste, smell and welcome

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skin of tranquility

skin of tranquility

fragile barrier between busy-ness

and quietly being in the world

consciously brought about by will

and concentrated emptying

of distractions to focus on what is

like derm, thin envelope only

not shield of iron or woven mail

of copper or steel, but, unlike metal

living membrane that allows passage

exchange of sustenance of soul, senses

texture of the rock i sit on

smell of blue-purple violets huddling near my left foot, imagined delicate pealing of the lilies of the valley wafted

by placid breeze and truly heard faint

whimper of newborn cub or kitten

left long alone while mother forages

taste of earth’s renewing cycle of life

and death and enrichment of new life

skin we need to nurture to find ourselves within the wholeness

of what finally matters over time

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sounds of water

waves sweeping in for a bow

with quiet grace or flourish

shawl or cape whipped white

as raindrops splat on metal roof

or plummet onto furrowed earth

and trickle into gurgling rivulets

streaming toward roaring, gnashing

rivers to the sea to full circle

as pounding waves or lifted

by evaporation to cling to tiny particles

and fall again as rain

each role and costume enhanced

by sound that reach our souls

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dreamed mountains of color and time

dreams in the night of mountains

snaggle-toothed and gray with

the mixing of complementary colors

eerie of purple muted in yellow

blue warmed by sunshine orange

earthy with flora and fauna

green and red, tinted by generations

of life and reprocessing of minerals

upheavals from depths and layers

of existences over eons

mountains explaining time

as we seldom pause to comprehend

except in dreams where busy-ness

at times distorts back toward reality

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b-t-c nose scarlet

Bluffo the clown, nose scarlet

bloated, threatening to burst

with the frustration of failure

to silence multiple sources

of accusation demanding accountability

incredulous that his outrageous

impropriety yields not stuttering

agreement as it has always done

but reasonable further leverage

against him, calling it justice

no clown is above the law

—poor Bluffo

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white-out assurance

white-out this morning

but merely from fog, not snow

chill from the dampness

yet i know from experience and faith

that what lurks next to me will dissipate

and the familiar objects and colors

will emerge as though regrown

what i can only barely imagine

is the terror in such conditions

of those who do not have

such self-assurance

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there is a whole, a vastness

that encompasses what we can know

only in part as it exists on a scale

beyond out comprehension

a pattern, a tessellation, a tapestry

that we—weak, small, limited, mortal

as we are—yet remain a part of

a segment of a thread

that contributes to the design

and the entirety

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foundation of value

self-worth, knowing i am loved

that is what i work to have all children

take within themselves to enable each

to respect self and those other uncertain beings struggling to find place in

the enormity of unsure relationships

and hints of danger

to have strength of foundation

to be able to respect us all and see

fellow humans with caring

and compassion